Scott Walker’s Supreme Court Coup
Scott Walker unseated his sharpest opponent last night.
Scott Walker unseated his sharpest opponent last night.
In his opening statement, Sen. Scott Fitzgerald (R-Juneau) claimed that right to work legislation would "protect every worker" from being forced to join a union.
In the multi-pronged corporate attack on working people, two public relations and lobbying campaigns have appeared, taking aim at the National Labor Relations Board.
Billionaire financier and new Republican Illinois Governor, Bruce Rauner, continued his war on working families this week with a move straight out of the ALEC playbook.
Leaked documents expose a plan by Edelman for TransCanada to launch an "aggressive" American-style PR campaign to get controversial tar sands oil to refineries in eastern Canada for export.
The embattled American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) lost nearly 20 percent in grant revenue between 2012 and 2013 according to new tax filings, reflecting the financial hit that the "corporate bill mill" has suffered as it has been dragged into the sunlight and its corporate members have fled.
Microsoft, the $86.8 billion-a-year technology company, is no longer a member of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) and has stopped funding the group, as have AstraZeneca, Ameren, Berkshire Hathaway Energy, PacifiCorp, NV Energy, Alliant Energy, and PG&E.
The Center for Media and Democracy is launching a new web resource on Walmart.
Certain long-term investors remain committed to ALEC as a tool to advance their legislative agendas.
Surprise: Gen Opp, our favorite "nonpartisan" youth group -- funded by the Koch Brothers conduit -- is backing a favorite Koch politician.
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