
Honor Among Thieves

Margery Kraus of APCO Worldwide has been named "International PR Professional of the Year" by PR Week magazine - a fitting honor to a woman whose company specializes in the worst sleaze the industry produces -- from helping the tobacco industry promote "sound science" to orchestrating a phony "grassroots" campaign for "tort reform" as a way of making it hard


Corporate Goodwill or Tainted Money?

Philip Morris is spending more to publicize its good deeds than it's spending on the good deeds themselves. Last year, the company spent $115 million on charity and $150 million on these TV ads. So if Philip Morris is so concerned about giving back to the community, why doesn't it take the $150 million spent last year on ads and give that to charity?


The Tobacco Industry's Successful Efforts to Control Tobacco Policy Making in Switzerland

This study shows how the tobacco industry manipulated opinions in Switzerland, nurturing "controversy" over the link between smoking and disease using regular media briefings and scientific meetings with carefully chosen scientists who would publicly support the industry


Documentary Rips Philip Morris Image Makeover

A documentary film by INFACT, the Boston-based corporate watchdog, charges Philip Morris with orchestrating a global lobbying campaign to curb any effort by the World Health Organization to restrict the marketing of cigarettes. The film, titled "Making a Killing: Philip Morris, Kraft and Global Tobacco Addiction," says that Philip Morris, which uses Burson-Marsteller for PR, is spending millions in the U.S. for a "feel good" corporate image campaign the same time that it continues to drive up tobacco sales and tobacco deaths throughout the world.



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