The Press & The Myths of War

Veteran military correspondent Chris Hedges writes that "when the nation goes to war, the press goes to
war with it. The blather on CNN or Fox or MSNBC is part of a long and
sad tradition. The narrative we are fed about war by the state, the entertainment
industry and the press is a myth. ... The coverage of war by the press has one consistent and pernicious
theme--the worship of our weapons and our military might. Retired
officers, breathless reporters, somber news anchors, can barely hold
back their excitement, which is perverse and--frankly, to those who do
not delight in watching us obliterate other human beings--disgusting. We
are folding in on ourselves, losing touch with the outside world,
shredding our own humanity and turning war into entertainment and a way
to empower ourselves as a nation and individuals. ... I doubt the journalists filing the hollow
reports from Iraq, in which there are images but rarely any content, are
aware of how they are being manipulated. They, like everyone else,