Corporate Front Group Created to Support Arctic Drilling

The oil and gas industry has launched the Energy Stewardship Alliance, aimed at winning access to the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. ESA claims to be a non-profit coalition of "professional organizations" and "individuals" who believe opening the Refuge to oil drilling is worth the human and environmental risk.


Bush Policies Ease Transition For Aides Into Lobbyist Jobs

More than 150 Republicans who work as Washington lobbyists helped George Bush during his transition to power. "Coalition for Vehicle Choice lobbyist Diane Steed assisted the Department of Transportation; all-purpose lobbyist Peter Madigan helped set up the U.S. Trade Representative's office; and Jack Abramoff, who represents several Indian tribes, advised the Interior Department.


Uninformed Consent: What Patients at "The Hutch" Weren't Told About the Experiments in Which They Died

Fresh on the heels of the Jesse Gelsinger gene therapy scandal, this report documents another case in which the biotechnology industry has experimented on humans without their consent. Patients died prematurely in two failed clinical trials at Seattle's Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center -- experiments in which the Center and its doctors had a financial interest. The patients and their families were never told about those connections, nor were they fully and properly informed about the risks of the experiments.



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